Friday, March 13, 2009

I love praying with the C1C3 peeps

On Thursday, we had an awesome time praying in the C1 & C3 weekly meeting... It was great to see JO finally POC-d! Yeah! (they say it's POC because he's not fit to march (?!?!) and so for him it's a Passing Out Ceremony not a Parade) Then Ruo'En and Joshua looked adorable (?) in their matching AJC uniforms. Mong says uniform colors are chosen by going to the cloth shop and choosing the cloth with the most quantity being sold at the cheapest cost haha :) But yesterday's group was BIG--so big we couldn't fit inside the tent!

We talked about prayer. Actually we prayed! And many people really broke through in their prayer! :) It's really different to pray strong from the Spirit... I would compare it to going to the gym? Kinda like when you want to get rid of the tricep flab under your arm (hidden frustrations haha!) you do tricep pulls and other exercises that focus on those muscles. When you want to get slimmer inner thighs you get onto the weird looking torture machine that isolates that muscle and causes you not to be able to walk the next day. It's also kinda like studying for A-Level Maths... the reason you do the tutorials and the exercises is to get your brain used to doing that kind of question. That way, when you take the exam you will be able to do it in the allotted time. When we pray in the Spirit, we bypass our limited language and the limits of our mind and it isolates our spirit building it up.

Jude 20       But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.

Of course, we don't just pray in the Spirit, after all Paul says that it's about praying with understanding and praying with the Spirit but it does help because sometimes when we pray we're just distracted and can't focus. The Spirit is always willing but the flesh is weak so it was just great praying in the Spirit.

In any case, I am looking forward to our next adventure of praying together. :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Always Believe in People

I came across this story, not surprisingly, from a video a friend posted on Facebook. It's about a young autistic boy named Jason McElwain... I won't talk so much, watch the video yourself... :)

Can you imagine if the coach didn't put Jason on? I think more than not being able to witness such an awesome feat, more importantly, Jason never would have known what he was capable of doing. 

As I watched the video, I am reminded of Heart of God Church and how Pastor How and Pastor Lia really believe in young people. I think back to the past more than 3 years I have been in Heart of God Church and it is so obvious that without Pastors willing to take a "risk" on people who may not seem the most capable or experienced. They gave so many of us a platform and an environment to do things we never thought we could.

There are the famous stories of people like Charleston who started leading at 13 or 14 and how now, at just 20, he is a Senior Zone Leader overseeing so many cell groups, preaching in services and representing young people in the Festival of Praise. There's Daniel and his love for music and how Pastor Lia raised so many musicians and singers by giving the worship team an encouraging platform and believing in them. Today, Daniel is... hot! hahahaha... at least on his guitar. :) (peace, Dan!) There's Jian Ming who used to be a naughty school boy sawing tables during D&T but Pastors really just taught him, discipled him, trained him and now he's the head of all the Customer Operations in HoGC! And these are just the famous stories... there are so many more lives in HoGC that have been brought to a higher level because someone chose to believe in them. 

I love Heart of God Church... 

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Shrinking World

Today, we just had quite a time with Pastor Josh and Georgie Kelsey from C3. I must say, talking to them makes me feel like the world is getting smaller and smaller. They introduced us to this thing called Twitter... which basically allows people to know what their friends are doing. You can even receive messages on your phone if your network allows it.

First it was Friendster--now hardly anyone goes on there. I heard someone comment that only the "ah-bengs" and "ah-lians" still stay in touch with Friendster... now I don't really know whether that is true or not, but surely Friendster is no longer the in-thing.

Next, it was Facebook--now, I am not saying I am giving up Facebook. How could I? After Ming Jian and Mong got me stuck on Mousehunt I can barely leave my computer alone... Hmmm.... maybe I should take a facebook fast so that I can practice not being distracted every 15 minutes by the temptation to make a horn call...

But, okay, so now it seems like Twitter is getting wired... So, if it really does take off I think it will be interesting to be able to follow what certain people are doing... like the people in the CG or the leaders... 

Well, let's wait and see the fate of Twitter in Heart of God Church.... :)

P.S. Have you guys checked out the Heart of God Church facebook? :)