Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Inspired by the End

Okay, so I'm a knowledge junkie. I love learning things and news of Bible Studies like the End Times get me so excited (more than Microsoft Excel makes me happy--I know that's hard for the Ops people to believe). Above that I think Pastor How is the best preacher and teacher I've ever met (and I've heard my fair share)... so I may be a bit biased. But seriously, I have never heard the End Times presented in such a clear and relevant manner ever!

The Bible just blows me away more and more. How everything fits so perfectly despite everything being written by different people who could not have possibly orchestrated a con to make things fit--and over and above that having such vision and accuracy hundreds and thousands of years ago before modern amenities like rubber were invented (I don't think they even had toilet paper then)

I've heard about this end times stuff before but hearing it this time has one major major difference. It is a call to action. Lord, make me pure in heart, holy and set apart, strong in convictions and able to stand in the day of trouble that I might be counted worthy of the calling You have placed over my life. Lord, may I not be so selfish as to keep what I know to myself but to proclaim boldly to the world the good news and the great work You have done in my life. 

I can't wait for this Friday and Saturday. You can bet I'll be furiously taking notes!

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