Wednesday, August 6, 2008

meet my sis

Since we're in the season of spiritual adoption, this is a good a time as any to introduce you to my sis... meet Yonina.

I don't think we look much alike (though some people have said we do - ?? :S )  She 2 years and 9 months older than me and stands towering above me at 5'11" (1.80 meters) and sports orange-pink-purple hair (she says she might change it to blue in a month or two).

Aside from the striking physical differences, we're also quite different in many other ways. Though we have our fair share of what we are capable of doing, she is known for her writing and her creative side. She's a writer, layout artist, editor, animator, and many other things. Despite the fact that you can hear her a mile away (she is louder than me if you can imagine that) she likes to sit at Starbucks for hours devouring books of all sorts.

She's stopping by Singapore on Friday before she heads back to Manila. There's a chance she might come to church. I think it'll be quite amazing if she does. We used to attend church together when we were little and we even went to a Christian school, but she has not experienced anything like Heart of God Church. She'll definitely be blown away. 

Seeing in the 4th Dimension... :)

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